Script Available: Control a DAHDSR with macros (no script image GUI)

  • SimonORorke
    • Posts: 4

    There are no examples in UVI-supplied sound banks of programs where macros on Falcon’s standard Info Page control a DAHDSR’s attack, decay, sustain and release. The problem is that Falcon does not provide a way to scale macro values (range 0 to 1) up to required parameter value maxima greater than one. The maxima for the DAHDSR’s AttackTime, DecayTime and ReleaseTime parameters are 10, 30 and 20 seconds respectively. So UVI-supplied programs provide attack, decay, sustain and release knobs on image GUIs defined in scripts.

    I have written a DAHDSR Controller script to control a program-level DAHDSR’s attack, decay, sustain and release parameters with macros defined in the standard GUI, avoiding the need for a script-defined image GUI. This GitHub repository contains the script, together with a Falcon program that demonstrates the script’s use.

    This is the GUI of Tibetan Horns, the example Falcon program that contains the DAHDSR Controller script processor:

    Tibetan Horns

    To allow the macros to control the DAHDSR’s parameters, there are ADSR knobs, as intermediaries, on the script processor itself (shown on Falcon’s Events page):

    DAHDSR Controller

    These script processor knobs need to be configured to be modulated by the corresponding macros, like this:

    Assign Macro to Knob

    To make control of the DAHDSR’s parameters by the macros more ergonomic, the script processor also has knobs to specify the maximum number of seconds that may be specified by the Attack, Decay and Release macros and knobs:

    Max Seconds

    For more documentation, please refer to the repository’s README.

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