Selecting multiple Keygroups at once.

  • vanhaze2000
    • Posts: 3

    Dear Falcons,

    Lets say i have an audioloop in slicer osc.

    So the slicer osc divided the loop in slices, each slice on a keygroup.

    How can i select multiple of those keygroups at once, so i can do changes that affect all those keygroups at once , for instance, changing attack phase of amp envelope of each keygroup ?

    Warm regards,



    • Posts: 25

    Hi vanhaze2000

    I would click the map button in the slice Osc playback section to get them mapped to separate key groups, then select all the key groups by click and dragging across the key mapping area, when they change color all edits (to the Amp. Env for instance) will effect all selected samples/keygroups.

    Probably more ways but I hope that helps.

    • Posts: 276

    In List-view, you can always see which KG is selected and also do bulk selection via cmd+A (on Mac), or click on a layer and all KGs in that layer will get selected, or click on Program and all KGs in all layers will get selected (also works in Tree-view).

    • Posts: 3

    Many thanks guys, your solutions indeed work, great !!

    • Posts: 25

    Your welcome, I’m glad you asked because I learned about the list view select all. It would be nice, however, to be able to right click for options from the list but it seems only possible from the graphic display in key mapping area.

    It’s good to have options of which falcon soars.

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